In Her Words: Jackie Fox


The trailblazing Runaways bassist implores us celebrate the things we love and stay uncool.

To all the uncool kids –

The happiest time of my life was when I wasn’t cool; back when differential equations and video games mattered more than money or fashion or other people’s approval. Being smart wasn’t cool. Neither were Star Trek or Dr. Who or David Bowie. Those were for freaks, geeks and general all-round losers.

But— yesterday’s dorky is today’s awesome. Today’s losers may well be tomorrow’s heroes. Cool doesn’t always translate to happy or even successful.

My generation’s “losers” have changed the world. They’ve invented the iPhone, written Game of Thrones, become president.

Quit worrying about being cool or fitting in.
Celebrate the things you love.
Love them without reservation.
Use the Oxford comma if you want to.
Wear flats.
Run for offices you know you can’t win.
You are you — the one and only.
Being unique is about as cool as it gets.

Stay nerdy… stay weird… And above all, stay you!

Jackie Fox, weirdo


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