n°2 | Culture
In Her Words: Phyllis Nagy
The legendary screenwriter of Carol and Call Jane calls us to find humor in everything and embrace “the other.”
In Her Words: Shirley Manson
The iconoclastic Garbage frontwoman asks us to seek fulfillment and not dim our light.
In Her Words: Jackie Fox
The trailblazing Runaways bassist implores us celebrate the things we love and stay uncool.
In Her Words: Janet Mock
The groundbreaking activist, writer, and producer urges us to trust ourselves and discover our truth.
In Her Words: Floria Sigismondi
The pioneering director, artist, and photographer implores us to push past chauvinists and discover our inner power.
In Her Words: Tasya Van Ree
The multidisciplinary painter and photographer challenges us to experience the gold and believe we are infinite.
In Her Words: Amanda Palmer
The boundary-pushing performance artist pens an ode to her childhood home.